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Public Health Association at UCI

Prevent. Promote. Protect.

Public Health Association at UCI

Meetings will be held weekly on Monday from 5:30pm-7pm at Social Science Lab 140!

What is PHA?

Public Health Association at UC Irvine is an organization dedicated to promoting public health through education, service, advocacy, and social engagement. 

Open to students of all majors at UC Irvine, PHA gives members the chance to explore careers and current issues in the field of public health, serve the UCI campus and greater community through student-led and partnered activities, and network with diverse individuals who aspire to improve public health in their communities and across the globe.

PHA at UCI is completely student-led and registered as an official UC Irvine Campus Organization. To learn more about the Joe C. Wen School of Population & Public Health, please visit

Upcoming Events

Our Affiliations

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