Leadership Opportunities
There will be leadership opportunities for members throughout the term! Applications will be released during Fall & Winter Quarter.

Apply for Board
In Winter Quarter, applications will be released to appoint the new board for the next upcoming term! Serving as a PHA board member will give you the opportunity to become more involved with public health at UC Irvine, help organize PHA's Annual Public Health Summit, work with a group of diverse individuals to achieve common goals, and make a difference in our community! If you are interested, make sure to apply when applications are released and feel free to contact any board member if you have any questions about a position!

Apply for Intern
In Fall Quarter, applications will be released to appoint new interns for Winter Quarter! As an intern, you will be working closely under a current board member, learning what it takes to run our club, assisting in the planning of PHA's Annual Public Health Summit, and more. This is an excellent opportunity for members who are interested in becoming board members for the next term. If you are interested in being an intern, make sure to apply when applications are released during Fall Quarter!